Beauty Treatments

Offering a range of services from rejuvenating facials to meticulous nail care

Hydrating Facial 45 Minutes

Biokos product special treatment restore moisture and vitality to the skin leaving it clean and fresh.

Deep Cleansing Facial

Clears pores, removes impurities, and rejuvenates the skin.

Anti-Aging Facial

Addresses signs of aging, promoting collagen production for a youthful glow.

Himalayan Salt Body Scrub

Himalayan Pink Salt offers the highest mineral content of any natural salt and is prized for its myriad health, detox and nutritional benefits. This Jurassic era treatment helps to exfoliate dead skin on your body, face and feet, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth

Oil Massage and Body Scrub

A combination of two special treatments that maximise results, helping to release the tension in your body and making your skin feel fresh and smooth.


The ultimate treatment for your hands or feet leaves your hands or feet softer, brighter and younger looking, in addition to nail shaping buffing and cuticle nail treatment